Welcome to the

Here’s a bit more about us:
We live One Health. Our research focuses on addressing wicked health challenges and optimizing health across species and ecosystems. We use a system-based approach to develop a holistic view of current health challenges. We strive to break down disciplinary silos and collaborate both with other academic disciplines and non-academic actors to integrate diverse knowledges and perspectives. We ensure the knowledge generated by our research does not just sit on the shelf but rather is shared back with the communities for which it was intended.
We prioritize research integrity. This acknowledges our key responsibility to conduct research using the highest ethical standards, with animals and humans, to create evidence-based solutions. Moreover, the actions of our laboratory are guided by an environmental policy that outlines key ways to reduce our carbon footprint, so our research does not inadvertently contribute to the very problems we are trying to address.
We are a community. We support each other to achieve our goals and grow both professionally and personally. We are all committed to fostering a safe environment where all individuals are welcome and can thrive.